
Stafford Bull Terrier
  1. How to Prepare Your Home for a New Puppy in Richmond

    2 Oct 2024

    Bringing a new puppy into your Richmond home? Exciting, right? But also, let’s be real, it’s a bit nerve-wracking too. Don’t worry—I’ve got your back. Here’s my top tips for puppy-proofing your space!

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  2. Mastering Puppy Walking (Without Losing Your Mind)

    18 Sep 2024

    Welcome to the crazy, adorable world of puppy ownership! Your furry friend is ready to explore, and one of your first big tasks is puppy walking. This is your pup's golden moment to bond, train, and explore the big, wide world.

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  3. How to Handle Puppy Biting: 6 Tips to Easily Manage Your Puppy’s Playful Nips

    18 Sep 2024

    Puppy biting—it’s a phase every new dog parent faces. While it’s completely normal, it can also be pretty frustrating. But don’t worry, you’re not alone, and this phase won’t last forever—especially if you tackle it early on! Here’s how to manage it and keep your sanity (and skin!) intact.

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  4. Why You Should Choose Bespoke Puppy Dog Training in Richmond

    16 Sep 2024

    You want the best for your puppy, and choosing the right training option can be overwhelming—especially in Richmond, where there are many different options available.

    Let’s break down the benefits of one-on-one training for dedicated dog owners like you!

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Would you like a FREE guide to toilet train your puppy?

Learn all the techniques, tips, and tricks to toilet train your pup for good.

You'll have the 6 proven steps to an accident free home.

Works for ANY puppy.

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