Mastering Puppy Walking (Without Losing Your Mind)

18 Sep 2024

Welcome to the crazy, adorable world of puppy ownership! Your furry friend is ready to explore, and one of your first big tasks is puppy walking. This is your pup's golden moment to bond, train, and explore the big, wide world.

Know Your Pup’s Walking Style

Every puppy has their own quirks. Some are fearless explorers, others more cautious. Pay attention to what excites or scares your pup, whether it’s the bustling streets or the serene paths along the river. Let them set the pace. Walks are about mental stimulation and physical exercise. Let your puppy sniff around—it’s their version of reading the local news.

Gear Up Right

A well-fitted harness is a must to keep your puppy safe and comfortable. Choose a Y shaped harness that allows your puppy to have free movement without restriction, particularly around the shoulders.

It can be tempting to choose a short lead in an attempt to keep your puppy close, but this can be counter intuitive as your puppy will need to pull in order to explore their environment.

Choose a longer leash that allows your puppy to sniff and investigate on their walk, whilst remaining short enough for you to keep them safe. Use a comfortable collar to attach your puppies ID tag in accordance with UK law.

Leash Training 101

Introduce your pup to a leash slowly. Start by letting them wear their collar or harness around the house, perhaps whilst enjoying a lovely treat. Then, clip the leash on for a few seconds at a time and reward them frequently for staying calm and collected.

Place some treats on the floor as you clip and unclip the leash. This will help to keep your puppy still and focused elsewhere, as well as help build positive associations.

Always go at your puppies pace and allow them to move away at any point. Treats and praise work wonders here. Make the leash a fun experience, and they’ll be eager to hit the pavement!

Positive Reinforcement is Your Best Friend

Your puppy wants to please you, and positive reinforcement is the best way to guide them. Keep treats handy and reward good behaviour immediately. Walking calmly by your side? Treat time! Ignoring distractions like other dogs?

More treats!

Consistency will turn walks into something you both enjoy.

Establish a Routine

Puppies thrive on routine. Regular walks help them burn off energy and learn the ropes of the neighbourhood. Start with short walks and gradually increase the distance as they grow. Speak with your vet about how to exercise your puppy safely. Keep an eye on them—they can tire out fast.

Take It Easy On The First Walk

Your puppy’s first walk is a big deal. Start in a quiet area where they can explore without too many distractions. Let them take in the sights and smells at their own pace. Don’t have a destination in mind, in fact, the slower the better! Some puppies will stop and sit when they process new information, allow them to take all the time they need.

Set your puppy up for success

You wouldn’t have your first driving lesson on the motorway, and neither should your puppy! Busy areas are often challenging for puppies to navigate whilst they are learning new skills. Walk in quiet areas when you can, or choose a time of day that is less busy. This will set your puppy up for success from the start which will result in more enjoyable walks for everyone. As your puppy’s skills develop you can gradually introduce more distractions.

Celebrate the Wins

When your puppy nails that loose-lead walk or stays calm around distractions, celebrate! Use treats, praise, and lots of love. Consistency is key—keep practising, and soon, you’ll have a well-behaved walking buddy, ready to explore all that Richmond has to offer.

Hanna Ascough | Your local puppy dog trainer in Richmond

P.S. Need more help?

If you’re struggling with lead pulling or a distracted pup—you’re not alone!—and you don’t have to go it alone either. I’ve helped plenty of dog owners change chaotic walks into a breeze in the park.

Want to get your puppy training worries taken care of once and for all? Reach out to see if bespoke puppy training could help: Wonderpups Bespoke Puppy Training

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